Risk Management Snapshot

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in healthcare risk management.

The possibility of expanding the statute of limitations in Maine.

What could a new bill in Maine to expand the statute of limitations on medical malpractice mean for healthcare professionals and organizations? In February of 2023, a bill was proposed to do just that, having the clock start when the patient discovers the potential medical negligence, which could be years later.

A recent article by Medscape, New Bill Would Provide Greater Length of Time to Sue Doctors, outlines this new proposed bill and what it could mean. The proposed bill is currently in the House. Whether it goes through the legislative process successfully or ends up being denied, there is always a possibility of changing how medical malpractice is handled in Maine and other states.

The article outlines ways to protect yourself; while these familiar concepts of providing consistent care and keeping good documentation are critical, they are sometimes forgotten. Medical Mutual has practice tips on Complete Medical Records: Your Best Defense and Informed Consent Guidelines to continue to help our insureds while providing care to their patients.