Coverage for Allied Healthcare Services

First-Class Insurance and Risk Management Solutions

Allied Healthcare Services: Professional & General Liability Insurance

It takes more than physicians and hospitals to provide comprehensive healthcare.

In addition to physicians and hospitals, Medical Mutual offers professional liability insurance to select clinics, laboratories and other allied providers of healthcare services.

When you purchase your professional liability insurance from Medical Mutual, you also get access to first-class and complimentary risk management services that foster best practices in your patient care operations. Medical Mutual also offers integrated general liability insurance to help close potential coverage gaps.

Claims-Made Coverage

Medical Mutual writes all of its professional medical liability insurance coverage on a claims-made basis, which means you will have protection for claims which arise out of covered professional services you provide following your initial effective date (or retroactive date) of coverage. So, any claims filed against your facility or organization today are covered by current policy limits, even though your limits may have been lower at the time of the incident in question. Each claims-made policy features per-claim and aggregate limits of your choice.

Program Flexibility

In securing Medical Mutual professional liability coverage, you can select the deductible for damages that makes the most sense for you, given the scope and nature of your service — indemnity-only or indemnity and expenses starting as low as $5,000 per claim, to an upper end in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The typical Medical Mutual claims-made professional liability policy includes coverage for:

  • Provision or failure to provide health care services
  • Furnishing of food, beverages, medications or appliances
  • Post-mortem care
  • Lawful activities of a formal accreditation, credentialing and quality assurance committee
  • Reasonable costs associated with defense of a claim up to $250 per day

Cyber Coverage

Medical Mutual's medical professional liability policies for allied healthcare facilities and services includes $100,000 of base coverage* to offset the costs associated with responding to patient data breaches per the mandates of the Federal HIPAA and HITECH Acts. These include costs related to:

  • Multimedia Liability
  • Security & Privacy
  • Privacy Regulatory Defense & Penalties
  • Privacy Breach Response
  • Network Asset Protection
  • Cyber Extortion
  • Cyber Terrorism

The coverage also includes access to a team of nationally-recognized specialists in IT forensic analysis, network security and, if necessary, data restoration, to assess and manage the technical aspects of the response. In addition, the coverage includes experts in HIPPA/HITECH-related patient notification, public relations, credit monitoring and other response services to help you meet your Federally-mandated obligations. Up to $10 million in additional cyber coverage is available. Ask your agent or Medical Mutual Underwriter for details.

* Excludes Volunteer, Umbrella Excess and Managed Healthcare Liability Policies.

General Liability Insurance

In a healthcare facility setting, gray areas can exist between professional liability and general liability. Medical Mutual's integrated general liability coverage helps close any potential gaps created by those gray areas, thereby avoiding the inevitable finger-pointing that could otherwise result from having separate carriers for the two areas of risk.

Medical Mutual writes the general liability portion of your coverage on an occurrence basis. As such, Medical Mutual is responsible for covering those general liability claims made against your institution for incidents that occur while the policy is in force, regardless of when the claim is filed.

Medical Mutual's general liability insurance for allied healthcare facilities and services covers:

  • Bodily injury
  • Property damage
  • Personal injury
  • Medical payments for premises claims up to $5,000
  • Fire legal liability
  • Patient's personal property $1,000 limit/$100 deductible

Non-Assessable Policy

You cannot be assessed back-charges if prior years' rates are proven to have been inadequate.

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